Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicích, Zámek čp. 2, 530 02 Pardubice vcm@vcm.cz
+420 466 799 240

Modern architecture in Pardubice

Nov. 23, 20241 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


This tour showcases some fascinating buildings designed by the renowned architects Josef Gočár, Antonín Balšánek and Ladislav Machoň – as well as designs by less famous names such as Oldřich Liska and Jaroslav Kohoutek. You will see that Pardubice offers much more than just its historical centre; the city also boasts many interesting and valuable buildings – public institutions, shops and private residences – representing a range of modern architectural styles from the Secession (the Central European version of Art Nouveau) and Cubism to the Czechoslovak Rondocubist style and Functionalism.

Stops on the route:
The Winternitz mills, residential buildings at Čechovo nábřeží, the court and tax office buildings, residential buildings on Jiráskova St., the former offices of a health insurance company, the Sokol gymnastic association building, the state high school, the municipal theatre, the post and telegraph office directorate, the Anglobank building, the Hotel Grand and the “Okresní dům” building, Secession residential buildings and shops on Třída Míru, the Machoň arcade, the post and telegraph office building

Tickets: 160 CZK
Tour duration: around 90 minutes
We welcome groups of at least 5 people.
Please book the tour in advance by e-mail rezervace@vcm.cz or phone +420 607 034 110.

On-line vstupenka 23. 11.

Sraz v pokladně Zámku Pardubice (Labská brána). Začátek prohlídky 13 hodin
Čas trvání prohlídky: cca 90 minut
Základní vstupné 160 Kč, snížené 80 Kč (žáci, studenti, senioři)
E-vstupenka opravňuje k jednorázovému vstupu