In 2022, the East Bohemia Museum in Pardubice completed an extensive reconstruction of The Castle of Pardubice and the conversion of the utility buildings into modern museum spaces. The museum thus acquired exhibition halls and facilities for activities corresponding to the trends of the 21st century. The reconstruction was aimed mainly at building modern exhibition halls, a teaching studio, a fine art studio, workshops, and offices. The project was preceded by extensive construction activities at the detached site in Ohrazenice, where modern conservatory workshops, digitization centre, library, research room, new acquisitions treatment spaces, temporary depository and depository for more than a third of the museum's collection objects were created.

The reconstruction resulted in the creation of a new guided tour focusing on the architectural development of the national cultural monument The Castle of Pardubice. This exhibition combines the methods of the presentation of the monuments in the form of interactive installations and the presentation of contemporary art in a dialogue with the Renaissance. The project was funded from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme of the European Union through the ITI Hradecko-Pardubice Conurbation and from the budget of the Pardubice Region.